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I've recently realized something - writing 2k+ words on commission, especially on topics I don't know much about, is way more work than I expected.

As a practical matter, the smallest I've ever written in 2.5k words, and even that represents at least 8 hours of work including research. 

So instead of having one custom tier priced at $20, I'm thinking of two tiers instead.

The first tier at $10 will be snippets at 600+ words, basically single scenes or Moments of Awesome that you'd like to see put to writing. 

The second tier will be the 2k+ custom commission I am offering now, but the price will be raised to $25 to better reflect the work that goes into each one.

I'd genuinely like to hear your thoughts on this. Please comment or PM me to let me know your thoughts on the matter. 


Mr Crowley

Most fanfic writers I know of work off of 1 cent a word, for things they are familiar with, maybe you could have 2 tiers, one at $20 for fandoms you know (and have a list) and another at $40 for ones you'd have to research, or if in a familiar property it would be a longer piece? You should also consider if you are aiming to turn this into a job, or is it to remain a hobby, as that can have serious impact on the price, remaining cheap and going for volume, or raising price and getting the occasional commision.


I'm seconding the notion that it's important to decide whether you write these as work or because you also want to. If it's the latter, then I feel the question is whether you enjoy writing these. If yes, but the workload makes them cumbersome, then only *you* can and should decide how you adjust the way you accept them -whether through pricing, outright vetos, or white-listed prompts-. If it's the former, then perhaps you can consider alternatives. Perhaps using polls if you want to keep the option there?