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About this month's Mini Comic length

  • Make it longer (6 pages) 166
  • Usual length (4 pages) 20
  • 2020-08-27
  • —2020-08-29
  • 186 votes
{'title': "About this month's Mini Comic length", 'choices': [{'text': 'Make it longer (6 pages)', 'votes': 166}, {'text': 'Usual length (4 pages)', 'votes': 20}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 29, 23, 0, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 27, 23, 27, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 186}


 Heyo ^^  

There is something I'd like to talk to you all about regarding the Mini Comic currently in the works, as I’d love to hear how you guys feel about this matter. For a while now I have toyed with the idea of making slightly longer mini comics, and the adult amusement park one seems to have that potential. It's an idea I’d love to expand on, as there are so many things I want to fit in, and 4 pages may not be enough this time.

So what I’m suggesting is to lengthen this mini comic from the usual 4 pages to 6 pages long ^^ this however, would also mean extending the usual 2 months it takes me to make the mini comic, to 3 months total (so it’d be august, september and november) bumping the next animation to january (since I’ll most likely be on break during december).

I believe this is a nice opportunity to experiment with longer comics ^^  but as always I’d like to hear your opinion on this first, since its thanks to all of you that I can even make these comics in the first place ^^ As such, you’ll find the poll below, where you can vote on the length for this comic x3 

Thanks for hearing me out!  and feel free to ask me any questions you may have!




Anything with a public theme I'm down for XD


Probably a highly unpopular opinion going by the numbers but I think for purely smut comics where the centerpiece is the sex, your current length worked great. Plus you always found smart ways to infuse a little character development in the creative scenarios you worked with. Longer comics would far better fit more story-centric scenarios. Which I'm not sure you can really fit given the template of this patreon, but maybe in the future that option may present itself. I think an even more interesting poll would be if, instead of rule34 comics, you could have a story-centric comic running for half a year or more. I know many people can get really invested into comics that tell a tale, given how thirsty fans are for those. And we also had Hidden Desires to prove it :D To this day I still get the occasional question whether something like that could happen again so apparently some people really enjoyed that format. Silly as the story was, at least it had a story :P


I think longer ones can work fine, especially if planned out well. If you can weave some sexual stuff into a story without it feeling too out of place, it won't matter how long it is. An easy way to think of it is to see the comics as focusing on a snippet of the characters lives where they happen to be doing something sexual. All you need to do to make it longer is just add some before/after pages for context. This way, it's effectively the same story with the same scene, but just a bit longer.


I've always been a fan of encouraging artists to do what their creative drive leads them to do. At the very least it may provide some interesting experimentation. :D


What you choose, your comic iq very very good, lewd and cute ^-^ Continue in this way *give a cookie*