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Slit month is here!!!! ^^ and the theme for this month has been chosen! "Slits and fantasy gear" so expect to see some creatures with slits and cool outfits this month X3 As well as some slit content during slit day itself X3

Art Packs

Also, I have finally uploaded my 2014-2016 art packs over here on Patreon, they are now available to all in the "Collaborator" tier! ^^ They'll remain available here at that tier now that my Ejunkie page has shut own

And that is all for now! I hope all of you have a wonderful time this month!  I look forwards to doing arts with you again!!! And as always, thank you all so much for all the support!!! these last few months the patreon has kept growing!!! and I couldn't be more thankful to you all!!!

Thank you so much!!!!




Thank you so much for uploading your art packs Tiesci! Can you also upload the Hidden Desires Comic pack at one point? That was always one of my favourites of your comics


Who are we kidding, we see creatures with slits a ton on this Patreon :D

Hidoragon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 14:55:52 I think I should get some slit art myself!! >:D
2020-03-07 00:28:27 I think I should get some slit art myself!! >:D

I think I should get some slit art myself!! >:D