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Helloooo ^^ 

Yayyyyy! all the content for this month has been posted!!!! ^^ and I hope you all enjoyed itttt! (I know I loved working on it!). 

And well, tomorrow I will be leaving on a family trip! I'll be out for most of august too, and as such there will be no content during that month. Therefore I'm going to pause Patreon for that month (so you won't be charged on August). Content will resume as usual on September though !!!! ^^ 

Looks like your fluffy drake is taking some long vacations X3 I hope all of you have a wonderful time while I'm gone!!!!  I shall look forward to returning here with you all. I'll try to check my messages whenever I can, but I'll probably be taking some time to answer while I'm away (I have no idea how much wifi I'll have while traveling). But I'll do my best! ^^

Take care! and have a wonderful month! see ya soon!




Hey have a great time


Have a good rest! Do not forget to take Souvenirs from new places ;-)


Have fun and hope you get to rest a lot!


Have good and great time, TSC, dont forget To noms cookies :D


Have a safe and fun trip! You deserve it! <3


Awwr, that's so super kind of you Tiesci, have a good one! <3