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Wow, it's been a while since the last of these!

And well, I am pleased to say that we're just a few month's away from the 2 year mark! ^^ and ahhh!!!! I just want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to take this journey along with you, it's been a blast! ^^ And the patreon itself has kept growing too! so thank you all for your support! wether you're new here (welcome! ^^) or have been here for a while now (thanks for accompanying me! ^^)!!! but well, on to the actual announcement!

Next month (July) will be a throwback month! This means that the sketches that haven't been chosen in the past months will be given a second chance to be chosen! And since its been almost a year since I last did this, we have quite a few sketches to choose from! Hence, the next month's Pin-Up and Pairing voting polls will showcase these sketches, so you can decide which ones should be given a second chance to be drawn!

Also, since I won't be starting a new mini comic next month (I'll explain why bellow) I'll instead be rendering the 2 top choices of each poll. This means next month there will be 2 Pin-Ups and 2 pairings being drawn! ^^

Pausing the Patreon during August Well, simply put I won't be home during august, and as such I'll have to pause things during that month. This means there won't be any new content during August, but you will not be charged either! so just a 1 month pause till September, when things shall resume as usual! ^^.

And that's the reason I won't be doing a Mini comic next month! so we don't end up with a month long pause between pages, which would probably wreck the comic's pacing and my own workflow.

That is all for now! Thank you for reading this! and I hope you are having a wonderful time and that you have a lovely time next month too!

As always, feel free to PM me if you have any questions! and thanks again for the support!!!!!

Have a lovely day! ^^




I must say it's been a pleasure supporting your work here on Patreon. I'm here since the beginning and every month I think I got my money's worth of content! ^.=.^


hope you enjoy your time off then. it's been fun thus far. amoung the artists I am subscribed to on patreon you are amoung the few who never dissapointed so far nor broken any promises so I have been loyal ever since. (also I am reeeally happy to see some of the scetches getting a second chance... there is still that Legiana+Rathalos image that I would have hoped to see getting voted over the other one^^)


Awwwww! that is very kind of you to say!!!! ^^ I'm really glad you've enjoyed the content thus far! and thanks again for the continued support!! ^^


Yes!!!!! I'm really excited to see which ones will be chosen!!!! there are quite a few that I really liked XD so I'm looking forwards to next month's work!!!! And ohhh thank you so much!!!! I'll keep giving this my best! X3