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It's time to finally acknowledge something I didn't want to admit

--- CHECK OUT MY MUSIC: https://audius.co/unfa https://unfa.bandcamp.com https://soundcloud.com/unfa --- FIND MY VIDEOS: - PeerTube (open-source, decentralized): https://peertube.kx.studio/c/unfastudio/ - Odysee (user-side is open-source, centralized): https://odysee.com/@unfa - YouTube (fully proprietary, centralized): https://www.youtube.com/unfa000 --- GET IN TOUCH: https://mastodon.social/@unfa https://chat.unfa.xyz https://discord.gg/tgZSvht https://facebook.com/unfamusic (absolute last resort)



Hey, Unfa! I'll keep supporting you because you're such an inspiration and I'm happy to give the money even if I get nothing back. I'll also talk a look at falktx's Patreon and support him (I already support Ardour). Take your time and take care of yourself!


It's cool dude; burnout is real and no one should suffer through it. I'll keep supporting you because you provide something one can't get everywhere: inspiration! Have a monthly coffee on me and come back when you're in a better place. Much love <3


Hi Unfa! Its understandable. You must do what you must do. The video's you created have showed me how to do things with open source and on Linux that I didn't know I could do before. Once I found out about Ardour, about the same time I found you, its opened up a world of music creation that I never could have imagined for me. I know how time is precious as I too work full time plus run internet stores and businesses on the side. I know how that goes. I hope your condition improves and its not too serious. We will miss you but please stay in contact and say 'hi' every now and then! I'll still support you thru Patreon just because of what you've given to me. Its the least I can do. Take care buddy.


Dear Unfa, no rush. Take your time, you're a cool guy, and very inspiring. I'm happy to stay around and share a coffee through patreon. Do what you need to do. You're full of energy and music and great ideas, just unwind for a bit a see where you want to go next when you feel better.


Since I am one of the few who's already supporting FalkTX AND Vladimir Sadovnikov, I will keep up my monthly donation for some time! Through you, I discovered lots of linux audio software! It's true: There will be a hole left, if your channel will not introduce new videos, but you gave so much to us all… You can be proud about everything you've already done! Love, Bro!


That sounds like burnout, like John said. The burnout and health issues you're having are your signal to take time out and prioritise yourself, your health and the people closest to you. I'd also go so far as to say that you need to rest to see what comes next for you. Thanks for all of your efforts up to this point, your videos were great, and the energy you brought to Linux and open source audio was also great and entertaining. Thanks also for all of the kickdrums (which I can now synthesise myself because of your videos!), now go enjoy the feeling of letting go of responsibility and obligation, and having your health improve 🙂


unfa, please don't beat yourself up. You saw a niche and filled it in your own quirky style and with passion. This imprint will last, whether your disengagement is final or not. I'm saying this from the sidelines, as somebody who carefully dissects your videos off-line whenever I have time. I imagine that your live stream and chat regulars will feel even stronger about how much you've given. Take time to decompress and prioritize and then, when you're clear-minded and rid of stress, consider revisiting matters. For all you know you'll feel different six months from now and find a way to give more without it being detrimental to your personal wellbeing. (No expectations or pressure of course.) Final note: you mentioned views and subscriber numbers. I don't think you should measure yourself by this given the niche within which you operate. You can always start doing silly twirls on TikTok or perhaps peddle hair products, but that's not you is it ;-)


Others have already said the stuff I'd say, but it's true: your priority has to be your health and happiness. We're doing this stuff because we enjoy it, right? I'm happy to keep supporting in my very small way and I could go on paying for a while for all the valuable knowledge your videos have given me. But I will say that I think you underestimate your contribution. People like FalkTX and Ardour-Paul are doing great work in creating these amazing tools; however, giving normal human beings the ability to _use_ them is equally important, and it is something that is really lacking in a lot of FOSS projects. When I started trying to make music with Ardour 4 years ago (armed only with a fairly rudimentary knowledge of Linux), your videos on setting up Jack and getting started with Ardour were _invaluable_. I would have likely never gotten anywhere without them. You're the guy who brings the message to the masses, the fire from the mountain, the tablets from the almighty. And that's a role that not everyone can fill. You have not only the skills but the charisma and charm to make that work. Your channel is pretty unique in this regard. But, like everyone says here: take some time! Focus on the community you've built up, which is in itself an enormous resource for all of us. I learn stuff every time I look in there (which is not as often as I like, because I'm facing my own battle to not let my stressful full-time job keep me from the things I love). Come back and make videos when you feel like it. Maybe make shorter and simpler ones. Your how-tos on single plugins or on how to synthesise a drum are _so_ helpful. But, you know, leave it for a while. The only priority is to take care of yourself. We'll all still be here, quietly rooting for you!

Chris Johnson

I'm only giving you a dollar a month and it's for being you, not for any specific thing you're planning to do. So with your permission I'll continue. Work out what you need to do, there will be a time when you have a clearer idea how you want to live. My whole January has been kind of like that. All the love <3

Chris Johnson

You've done a good job and you should know that the people with enormous success ALSO feel much like you and are in the same boat. Nobody graduates to being a huge, satisfied success, it's always the struggle so learn to struggle without guilt about where you are relative to others. The reason I feel positive about what I do is because I can do what I do, at the scale I do, and enjoy the process <3


Thanks! I'm going to still be around in the community chat, just wanted to make sure nobody expects any videos or livestreams and feels disappointed or exploited for money here. I'm under professional care so I know things are going to be better sooner or later, I guess my (not so) recent health issues were a catalyst to realizing that I'm kinda burnt out and have to move oon. Thank you!


Thank you :) Yes, I hope my videos will stay useful for the years to come. Maybe one day I'll be able to get back to it, maybe I'll starts something different. For now I'll focus on what's helping me.


I wish you all the best, thanks for all your great work!