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Here's a quick cut of a video I was recording yesterday.

Only thanks to your continued support, I can deal with this kind of crap :D

Warning: harsh language!

I've since figured out the issue and fixed it. I also switched back to JACK from PipeWire, because Ardour is much more stable with that (I have a lot of random crshes when using PipeWire, as you might have seen during my recent monthly livestream), and recently I was unable to export anything from Ardour using PipeWire. The progress bar would never move.

The issues I've had with Ardour's (actually Xjadeo) video playback is - Ardour doesn't automatically change the sessions timecode frame rate to that of the imported video, and the option to do that is no longer present in the video import dialog as of Ardour 6.9.

When I imported the video reference to Ardour, the playback was at the wrong framerate (the video was too slow).

So I had to manually change the frame rate via Session > Properties > Timecode...
That didn't fix the issue completely. As the video playback was still ~9 frames behind Ardour (as shown by the timecode displays in Ardour and Xjadeo.

So the solution was to configure Ardour to sync to JACK transport - the dialog can be accessed by right-clicking on the "Int." button under MIDI Panic ( [!] ).
Then enabling that toggle to sync Ardour to JACk transport finally makes Xjadeo play in sync. More or less. When recording second take of this video I've suddenly had more sync issues when Xjadeo would sometimes be 105 frames out of sync with Ardour in specific parts of the timeline, but be withing 1-2 frames in another parts. Why can't it stay in perfect sync - I do not know.

I've reported these issues to  Ardoru developers as I've been using this functionality in Ardour for many, many years (even doing audio mixing for a feature film) and only this month I've started having such problems. Strange.



"Mancubus" Take 1


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