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I'll be making sound effects for my game "Sho" using Ardour and FOSS!


Making sound effects for my game with FOSS (unfa live 2021-02-07)

--- SUPPORT MY WORK: https://patreon.com/unfa https://liberapay.com/unfa --- CHECK OUT MY MUSIC: http://unfa.bandcamp.com http://soundcloud.com/unfa --- ORDER OR PRINT YOUR OWN MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/unfa https://github.com/unfa/merch --- GET IN TOUCH: https://mastodon.social/@unfa https://discord.gg/tgZSvht https://facebook.com/unfamusic https://chat.unfa.xyz --- LIVESTREAMS: - Next event: https://www.youtube.com/unfa000/live - Past events: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi2LbJnGR-482eAAihWd6exqyp0bQMfPX - Submit music: https://forms.gle/pLDetJM2WZf8eTRt5 --- TIMESTAMPS: (none yet) --- DOWNLOADS: (none yet) Downloads are provided under under Creative Commons Zero 1.0 license. --- LINKS: - Play the game! https://github.com/unfa/Sho/releases --- OTHER INFO: This video was produced exclusively with open-source software and GNU/Linux. - Software used in the creation of this video: https://manjaro.org (operating system) https://www.kde.org/plasma-desktop (desktop environment) https://www.olivevideoeditor.org/ (video editing) https://obsproject.com/ (video capture / streaming) https://www.blender.org/ (3d art) https://inkscape.org/ (2d vector art) https://www.audacityteam.org/ (audio postprocessing) https://kx.studio/Applications:Carla (live audio processing) --- Now go, make some music!


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