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I've created my own adaptation of Muse's "Unintended", a very well known rock ballad.
Hold your socks!


(The video premiered on YouTube on  2020-09-02 at midnight CET.)


Muse - Unintended (unfa cover)

I made this as a gift to my wife for our 2nd anniversary. Enjoy! This is the first time I've ever published a full-blown cover. I wanted to take this beautiful ballad in a completely new direction. I've had a vision, and I think the end result is very close to it. My wife was pretty shocked the first time she heard it, as she expected a mild, soft lullaby all the way through, and then the first drop has hit her... She's grown to love it in the end. --- LINKS: - Forum thread on Ardour.org: https://discourse.ardour.org/t/muse-unintended-unfa-cover/104632 - Patreon blog post (with full plug-in listing and session download): https://www.patreon.com/posts/muse-unintended-41172339



Thank you for sharing! I must say I have a lot of xruns runing your session, I mean hundreds (I don't normally have in my own sessions, although there usually less complex). Maybe it's because I don't have all the plugins in my system? It doesn't matter, is good to learn your tweaks and tricks first hand!


I'm glad you found it useful! Have you tried rising the JACK buffer? When recording the video I run on `jack_buffer 4096` to avoid x-runs. And for recording vocals I'd bounce an instrumental mix and deactivate all tracks to save CPU resources so I can turn down the buffer to 128 so I have small latency.