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As you all know I am working on too many stuff at the same time. Because of it, I haven't had enough time to test each of mods for myself. Of course it doesn't mean that I wasn't doing testing at all. But let's be honest. There are still some major and minor glitches to fix. So please leave comments about any bug you encountered before. I know it's a bug or not when I look at it. I'll jot it down if it is.

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Known Issues

- Sexist Guard may be partly incompatible with the mod. It's just my assumption but there might be a certain limit to the number of string lines. As Sexist Guard has a lot of lines of dialogue, it may block SLHH's ActorCollidewithActors dialogue indirectly.

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- Soliloquy from Babodialogue doesn't work properly for some people. When you loaded your game, you did see it but after that you didn't see it anymore.

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비키니퀘스트 강화철 책 읽으려고 마우스 올리는 순간 팅깁니다.


용병 컨텐츠 xx행위가 안됩니다.


slhh 옷벗기기 시전할때 52슬롯의 방어구가 벗겨지지 않아요 설정을 해도요


1. UFO 모드와 함께 사용 중인데 Populate 모드로 추가된 용병들에게 고용 대사가 아예 안 뜹니다. 2. 발정난 크리쳐와 싸우다 패배했을 때 바로 쓰러져버리며 애니메이션 재생이 안 된 채로 멈춰버립니다.


이번에 새로 추가된 컨텐츠 어느 진영에 안들어가면 노상강도가 온다고 했는데 아무리 해봐도 오지 않습니다. (어느 진영에 들어가서 가시왕관 얻은후면 도전자가 옴) 도전자에게 패배 후 매달고 간다는 대사가 나오긴 하지만 배드 엔딩으로 이어지지 않습니다 그리고 다른 이벤트 상인들이 고용한 오크, 습격 이벤트 발생시 게임이 튕기는 현상이 있습니다


I can't seem to trigger the nightgate inn instance. If I remember right previously you needed to talk to the innkeeper and ask him about the latest gossip and he points out about the bandits, this time around it doesn't work and if the probability of the quest is set to 100% the gourmet just gets out of the cellar and nothing else happens.


아 이건 원인 찾았습니다 키워드나 아이템의 타입이 천옷이여야 되는거 같네요.


You don't have to talk to the inn keeper to start the quest. When you enter the inn, Skyrim detects if the conditions are met and triggers it. Most change location events are blocked when other script events are on. So if you want to see this event right away, make sure the conditions are met and wait for 24 hours outdoors and then get inside.


For me it was sexist guards.


Some font of this mod is square boxes, like [][][][] ring


yes, i dropped sexist guards too, helps a lot. I am still very script heavy, and I have to make some tough choices... (cries)


바카림5.5에 여보스 동료들이 체력재생이 되질 않는데 왜그럴까요