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Due to multiple reasons I will be ending subscribestar/Patreon subscriptions. Primarily however, it is due to declining membership that I can no longer afford to keep doing this. Maybe its not engaging enough, maybe its because I simply can't compete with all the incredible talent out there ;) (to which I'd like to add another to your list, look up NimbleTail).

My plan is still to finish the content when I can - V3 part 2 is almost finished, V4 is only meant to be 50 - 70 pages (though I'm likely going to scrap the extended ending) and for those people still supporting me right now I want that to be free. For everyone else, it will be added to gumroad when it is complete.

As you can imagine, the speed will not  be as fast as it is right now, I understand I'm not as efficient as other creators but most weeks I was working 7 days and taking time off when forced to due to migraines. Now I need to get one of those *ahem* real jobs. You can ask me any questions over my email (otherworldsam@yahoo.com) and also discord: .onyxsis (I think that's right?). I will however be gone until the end of the month for a funeral in another country.

My plan is to use free follow as a kind of notification for you to go to smugmug when new pages are released. If anyone has better ideas of how I can let existing supporters be notified of new content on smugmug for free please let me know, or if you have a preference for a service to continue going forward. I will delete the tiers in a couple of days.

Smugmug has been paid for for one more year and I will give out free discount links to V3Part1 on gumroad later for free in case smugmug lapses, you will still have access to the content. The smugmug passwords will stay the same for now in unless someone starts giving it out en masse.  

Thankyou all for supporting me this far <3 it has been so much fun and I'm sorry to see it end.



Have you already decided the girl for V4? Also, oh no! Will there be a point in staying subscribed here?


Yes. Can you guess the animal? :) If you do the free follow I will announce when the pages are there to the same login you have for smugmug already. Basically like we already do right now. I just don't know if I will be paying for smugmug at the end of 2024 as it is a bit pricey and I can't rely on imgur as a backup any more as they no longer allow adult content.


Very sad news. AF has been one of those very few stories I eagerly look forward to and the wait between panels doesn’t matter. I have especially enjoyed the progression of Gilli’s character. I disagree that there are others more talented. I appreciate your art and your ability to tell a story


Thankyou! I will be working on the next page when I get back at the end of the month :)