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Many of you have been supporting me for a while so I think for the most part I'm trusted to deliver, but I had someone leave recently over something I had been concerned about for a while. If AF2 was disappointing in its content compared to AF 1 please know that volume 2 and 3 are tied closely together and that the rest of the content will be turning back towards the original themes soon. 

Outside of making sure people got what they paid for, I will *never* harass or question people for leaving. That shit's unprofessional yo' but I can see why some people might think "why did they do this? This isn't what I was looking for" and I just wanted to reassure that its part of the 4 volume plan and there's a reason why Gilli is different.


Jordan Andrew Scherr

Gilli definitively is a bit of a stretch of logic compared to other aspects in this comic. But like the author said, it presents some helpful opertunites in the story. Let's just say that compared to Dr. Who or Starwars, it's a VERY minor deviation.


I wouldn't say it was downright disappointing but I can agree with AF2 being a bit weaker, considering what AF1 delivered. I'm looking forward to a stronger AF3-4 :)