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For better and worse, the art style difference between Volume 1 and 2 has been pretty large, mostly because I swapped to software called Clip Studio Paint. The style has continued to evolve as I learned the tools available and they fall into certain patterns which is why as I ask which page is your favorite as visually they are grouped together. 

This will help me decide how to focus on visual page production going forward to V3. I have some ideas (and suspicions) but the more information you guys can give me about what you liked (and didn't), the better. So if you have any additional thoughts to give in comments I appreciate it!

A few months ago I had consulted with some of my colleagues? Mostly from my HF days so this is something that has been on my mind for a while. For me, my favorite page is 37. At 42 this is when I changed tablets (to a screen tablet) and it had a different affect on the pencil tools, that caused some real problems! My least favorite is 79 and 80, but that was also when I was sick. Many of the earlier pages had a blurry and dirty look because of the inaccuracy and the noise, but 68 also proved that the neatest, most precise tool (pen) doesn't mesh too well with my personal style either. 

I'm leaving this poll public for past subscribers that are still following to answer too. Anyone who hasn't read it yet, I will ask this again when I'm finished posting the free V2 pages (its coming very soon, I promise!).


Jordan Andrew Scherr

I voted more than once, because there's aspect of each set I like. I kept it down to three to avoid too much confusion, but each has boons that give it an edge. Feel free to PM me for details.