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Heya everyone :)

I will be pushing back this term to July and will focus on finishing Term 25 to send them out July 4th-7th

So the first term next month will be the one we were working on with Aqua, Mai, Eula and a more

The reason I'd like to push it back a little is so I can have more time to create the artworks and not always feel like I'm super behind. I think I paint a lot better when there isn't so much pressure

I apologise to you that have subscribed and joined for this term, don't worry there is no fee when you sign up and there will be no charge for this term until the end of next month (July 31st)

Term 25 will still go ahead for those that supported this term on the 20th June! ^^

Thank you for understanding and supporting me, it means a lot :)



That’s alright Mirai. We don’t mind waiting a bit longer!


Take your time 🙏🏼