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Since he was a child, Ted always suffered from bullying by his cousin Jennifer, despite being a few years younger than him, when they were children, she seemed to have a much higher level of strength, which is why she always harassed and hit Ted.

As they grew up, every few years Jennifer would visit Ted to do more of the same. So Ted decided to start training hard, but even doing this Jennifer seemed to be one step ahead: on her last visit (despite Ted being a very strong man) Jennifer had muscles twice the size of Ted's, so she continued to dominate him.

Now Ted has become much stronger and has been training to prepare for a new encounter with Jennifer. He is sure that this time things will be different...

At least that's what he believes ...




Eh, I...I don't like bullying stories, dunno how I'll feel about this one

sven mueller

Nice story and family reunion like Fbb Karla Nelson. I m happy to see the next story. He grow more and she growing more yeah