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Hi friends!! How are you!?

Wow, it's been a long time since I wrote one of these reflective posts (to call them something 😅).

I just wanted to share this with you, an incredible feeling 😃 As I always say, if this Patreon is what it is today, and if it has grown so much, it was, is, and will be thanks to you who are the ones who make this possible.

And for me it has also been a growth experience, in several aspects, one of them being the artistic part: When I review the previous works and the current ones, I have noticed an evolution of what I have been doing, and although as I always say: I can always do it better, I think I'm in a very good moment right now.

I began to reflect on this today when the drawing that I put at the beginning of this post was made, which is for Deviant Art (which in reality, this is the uncensored version that I will later post here, finished, with the rest of the illustrations; the one that It is in DA, it is censored and in much lower resolution) and I really liked the result of the lineart, like the ones I have been noticing in the comics of "The Ticket", "The Encounter", "Killer Muscle", etc.

The fact of publishing more slowly as I am currently doing, and not maintaining the pace I had before (which was practically one job per day), was a very important factor for this to happen 😖. Since, in addition to the physical wear factor; The shortened time made it impossible for me to reach the levels I wanted to achieve, which was often frustrating for me, because my idea is always to offer you the best I can do.

Even with the issue of animations I have noticed an improvement and as I said before, seeing these improvements is a feeling that fills my soul. 😃

Obviously, and I saved the best for last, something that has been and is FUNDAMENTAL (in capital letters) is the support I receive from you, all the comments, both in the posts and those that come to me through Inbox, if you only knew how important they are to me!! 😁💖💖

Believe me, I read each and every one, I may not be able to respond to all the comments, or it takes me a while to respond to the inboxes (I know, I'm a disaster) but believe me when I tell you that reading you is the most motivating thing I have to do this and get better and better.

For this, and for much more, I just want to say one more time (and as many as necessary) THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!! 😃😃💖💖💖
Thank you for being there and your constant support.
And as you know, all your suggestions, criticisms, ideas are always very welcome!!!! 😊😊😊

C-you later! 😃




Your artwork, your dialogue, and your ideas make you my favorite artist. You appear to lovingly lavish such attention on biceps and strength feats, my two great loves as well. I am so happy to be on this ride with you and can't wait to see where it heads next.


You're welcome! You are focused exactly on the topic and exactly the details that interest me personally. The pace at which you work speaks of deep conviction and enthusiasm that drives you powerfully. This really infect your audience! And what's more, you're a pretty good illustrator. These things will ensure you continued interest, recognition from an ever-growing audience. You definitely have my appreciation, sincerely


Thank you very much, with all my heart, your message and everyone's are the things that encourage me, drive me to continue and want to improve more and more 😃💖