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Important notice for XtremeVerse members: this week I will be sending the commissions that were pending from June and you can already do your commissions for July 😃

Wow! This year went by fast! I usually use this space, first of all to thank you always for being there and also as a kind of editorial, to reflect on things and to announce what is coming this month.

But I also had a feeling that I wanted to express to you, because I feel that I should tell you: I haven't been feeling well for a while. Since, on some occasions, I think I can give more of myself to do this, but sometimes the issue of timing (and several times setbacks) plays tricks on me.

You know that I always try to give you quality content, because as I have said many times, you deserve the best and I want being here to be a true experience. For this reason, I always ask you what you would like to see the most, what things you don't like, what things you do. And all the feedback you've given me so far has really been very helpful. But there are times when in order to speed things up, I feel like I'm sacrificing quality over quantity and that's not right.

After a year and a half of doing this (which makes me very happy because I really enjoy it) going at full speed, and now adding the commissions, without also counting the diffusion work on the social networks, I only have Two options: either slow down the publication speed (just a little) or make the days last 36 hours 😅. I have been posting practically every other day, which would give a total of 4 times a week, the idea would be to reduce it, so that they are not strictly 4 times a week, but between 3 and 4. As you can see, it is not much, but it is enough for this restructuring that I want to do, to give each time better things.

And yes, it is true that I could not have said anything and did it directly, but you always deserve to know the truth, as I say this is your space, you have made it possible and that is why I wanted to tell you, you deserved to be told.

I apologize, but it is the only way I see possible to be able to do this 😓

(Image published in Deviant Art with its uncensored version and both in much higher resolution)



sven mueller

Important is you have fun and I m waiting of your nice comics. The stories are good and my opinion is I m waiting longer because your comics are better and better.