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Hello my friends how are you?

Well I really want to thank you all for participating in the Futa material poll. Despite what I believed, the result was very close, although the "No" ended up being imposed by very little. Which leads me to think that such a disputed result, even if the "no" has won, I cannot ignore those who voted "yes" and I thought that something could be done to make both parts happy:

I think what can be done is, when there's a Futa post, regardless of whether it's artwork, or a comic, there's no preview. That there is simply a direct link to the image, or comic, to view and download with a disclaimer about Futa content.

In this way, those who do not want to see Futa content will only see text and those who want to see this type of material simply click on the link. Here I leave you a sample of a post that I had already uploaded, but it is so that you have an idea of what it would be like:


It's the only solution I found 😶



Perfect solution.


Fantastic solution!


Are you already posting xtreme stuff? I upgraded a while ago but havent seen anything


Hello, yes I have already uploaded and today I uploaded one more post, this week I will be focused on uploading material for Xtreme since at the moment there is very little


You can confirm it in the labels that appear at the top of the page. There is a label called "Xtreme" at the moment there are 13 publications, but there will be more