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Hello all friends.

Today was a break hehe, but I decided to make this post, because I've noticed that XtremeVerse has generated some controversy. More than anything what is futanari content.

Since I started this months ago, I really saw how this Patreon grew, and I think a beautiful community was formed, my intention was always to try to create more and better content, because you deserve it and I really don't want to do anything that it will bother you.

Ever since I created the XtremeVerse tier, I'm seeing a lot of people feel uncomfortable, mostly with the futa content. Both gore and futa, I know it's not to the liking of many, but the issue of futa is much more complicated. So although the XtremeVerse tier will continue to be there, I may modify it and no longer upload futa content.

But to decide that I need you to help me and leave me in the comments of this post, if it is okay that I no longer continue creating this type of content in particular. In fact I'm even going to leave a poll.

Based on what the majority wants, the futa content will continue or not

And please feel free to say whatever you want, be it criticism, suggestion, whatever you want. 😊

Thank you all very much in advance and thanks for the support always. 😃

You decide: futa yes 👍 or no 👎?


sven mueller

You make roid girls but not with roid Clit 😅

sven mueller

You are a fantastic artist and I love your woman and comics .


Although it isn't my cup of tea, I don't want to say no because it may be what other people are looking for. I honestly think that those who have a problem with futa should just not join the new tier.


I have no objection to Futa, but it's really the gore that I love, so I voted no. But I have a very STRONG belief that artists should create what they like! If you want to do futa, do futa! I'll consider myself lucky to see any and all art you create!!


I absolutely love your muscular women and gore content, I also happen to like futa so the inclusion of it checks more boxes for me. I understand futa is not for everyone but the same can be said for muscular women and gore. I also agree with FfejL that artists should be free to create whatever they like. Those who have issues with certain themes can easily scroll past them.


Oooh! thank you so much for your words!! Really. I'm looking and I think I can come up with a solution that satisfies both parties, both those who want to see futa and those who don't. I have to organize my ideas a bit but I think it can work


Many, many thanks for the support! If I am thinking of a solution, and the truth is that all your comments are helping me a lot! 😃💖