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Hello how are you? Today I was going to post but I'm in bed recovering from a bad flu (luckily it's not covid) so maybe tomorrow I'll be more and post.

I still didn't want to leave it without something today, it's an idea I had but finally I ended up discarding it for two reasons: one the copyright problem, just in case and the other is that I used it for a scene for the third part of Titanic Hera, it's a WIP I never finished.

I hope all of you are super well, once again, thank you very much for all the support πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’—

And I am very close to finishing the Xtreme Boxing short film, it is taking me time since there are different sequences with different shots, but luckily there is very little left . Also the second bio that is about Supreme Woman and many more things (I was late with the XtremeVerse but it's coming too) πŸ˜ƒ



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