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[S9 E7]

This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff delivers updates on the government shutdown's very important lessons, U.S. teachers oppose a declining capitalism imposing its costs on the people, and firing the big banksters leaves our big bank problems unsolved.

The second half of the show features Prof. Wolff’s interview with journalist Julianna Forlano on economic costs and effects of a working mom in U.S. capitalism todays.


Economic Update: Economics of Conflicted Mothers

[S9 E7] This week on Economic Update, Prof. Wolff delivers updates on the government shutdown's very important lessons, U.S. teachers oppose a declining capitalism imposing its costs on the people, and firing the big banksters leaves our big bank problems unsolved. The second half of the show features Prof. Wolff’s interview with journalist Julianna Forlano on economic costs and effects of a working mom in U.S. capitalism todays.


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