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My dear friends, I'm sorry but I have to put this patreon on pause. It will stop charging. I will still finish the remanining poll winners + fixes, and send through PM or just post a public link if PM doesn't work. ^^' Either way, if you feel like I owe you something, please message me. ^^'

The reason is I've been dealing with harsh migraines, they last for days, it seems that at least for drawing it takes me too much time looking at the screen, which makes the migraines worse. I need to get this treated;

But I will not stop drawing, I am not sure if I can post AB art publicly on patreon? (even with no nudity), but I will just continue to post publicly on pixiv once in a while. ^^'

I'm sorry about this and hope deep from my heart you have a Happy New Year, and lots of happiness, I'm really thankful to have met you all ^^




Been a few months. Any word on the recovery?


I hope you get the treatment or medication that helps

Wittwe AB Grw

Wows, hopwes u fweew betters