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  • 2077NPC_buttplug.mp4



Happy Monday everyone! :D The new 2077 of a random NPC is finished. I will not upload GIF this time, I have some tech issues with color management and everything I export from photoshop now appears way darker T-T idk how to fix it, I've shouldn't update photoshop few days ago. I installed the older version again but the settings didn't change.
It will take me some time to do the research. Even the gifs above has weird colors, at least on my monitor, perhaps you will see no difference.

Thank you for your support! ^^




My experience with photoshop and such is limited so this may be useless advice, but try checking your display or export colors and make sure they’re set to RGB. If it’s on CMYK, those display differently from digital to print and such. Like I said, it might be basic advice or not even applicable to the issue, but that’s what popped into my head. Hope this helps!


thanks!yeah I checked that too, I selected srgb and still this happened


Ah, strange. Sorry I couldn’t help. Hopefully you’re able to work it out soon!

Sower of Systems

This might help: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/images-look-darker-when-i-export-from-photoshop/m-p/9942935%23:~:text%3DThis%2520indicates%2520a%2520problem%2520with,while%2520Photoshop%2520maintains%2520shadow%2520separation.&ved=2ahUKEwip55brl7SBAxUCFFkFHdD4BogQFnoECAwQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1DfABOcr74D992RyWc48PI


I exported and tested all 4 profiles, all 4 of them are darker...and one of them is even pushed to 11, it's absurd -.-"


Holy smokes! Gorgeously animated as always, and what a cheeky view