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Hellooo everyone, I'm very sorry for the inactivity in the last couple of weeks. I'm forming a company to lift my tax burden and with it comes a lot of prep work, paperwork, research, had to visit all kinds of state offices, transferring all the stuff to my company's name.
+ I've been sick from the heat, I couldn't draw at all >_< Tomorrow should be the last day I will do business errands!!!!!

I know you are all waiting for the waifu results and new fan art, I'll get to it as soon as possible. Here is at least animation practice I did during this time, hope you will like it. Clip studio paint file in the attachments. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding! ♥



Von Trapp Family Singer

Take all the time you need! Also, this looks incredible. Hope you'll make some more progress on it in the future, if time permits.




I'm very interested... when home video came out there were a lot of B-Movies that became their own franchises, maybe something like that happens in animation now that you don't need a huge team to do that anymore! Just saying ...


this is purely for administrative and tax reasons, everything in my workflow stays the same ;D