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Helloo patrons, here is Boomstick progress, Clean up is almost done, got all the keys. I think I could finish this one next week, but without the VO for now. I would love to hire Pixie Willow for Rinn's voice, but she is on holidays till August 17 >_< Worst timing I guess, but the animation will be done at least. 

Oh and I'm also hiring Kinky for the sound design again.

Thank you very much for your support, have a nice day ^^




looks really good!


Hey Flou, I just wanted to say you should continue to do your originals. You should go to wherever your art takes you as Bob Ross says "it's your world" and we love seeing Flou's world. Also, I can't wait to see what you do after cyberpunk 2077 releases! I love your cyberpunk stuff.


thaaanks :3 I very appreciate it! I have no idea, certainly some style gifs :&gt;