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Hello patrons, here is little sneak peak to the upcoming changes. It is a NOTE pop up with some random text to show you what I was preparing or you. I don't want to give you just cheap time lapse videos.
Tbh, I'm immediately turned down when I became a patron and the process tutorials are just a 10x speed up video without anything + some creators have incomplete videos...it's so lazy and I feel cheated  that way. Process videos will be with sound, voice over (finally) and proper GFX. It will take me couple of weeks...months to create everything, but it ill pay off and you will receive very crispy products :}  + I don't have to make subtitles and edit videos like crazy, it will be much easier for me to just VO and throw there some GFX  

Here is my first concept of the new graphic style, there is a long way to go, but I feel very exited about this.

AAAND BIG thank you for your support, have a nice holidays ;))



korie dae

great idea!