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Time to disseminate information among the blood kin!




Zig made several of the standard mistakes in an apology. An apology should: 1) Recognize the giver *has* harmed the receiver. 2) Show the giver is truly remorseful. 3) Show the giver will cease the harm. 4) Show how the giver will make amends. Zig failed on pretty much all counts. 1) "*If* I have made you ...." is allowing for the possibility that it didn't happen. Zig should have simply said "I have made you ....", accepting that unconditionally she DID make Sabrina uncomfortable. 2) "I'm sorry" is pretty weak, and there's no sign of remorse in her body language. 3) "I will work to do better ..." is a bit weak - work in what way? She should have said "I will stop teasing you, and if I cross the line, please immediately let me know." 4) Granted, for what Zig has been doing it would be hard to determine what actions she could take to offset past harms. Maybe buy her a female Transformer, and make a little sign for it saying "Hands off!"?


Sabrina should be skeptical. As Zig has said many times, "Actiiiing!" I hope she is learning, though. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop with Endora and her to admit to herself that she sorta liked it.