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Looks like someone called 'Lynx Uber', or 'Luber'.



Jim the Otter

Yes, Zig. Yes, we are.

Wilford B. Wolf

I like this more mature Zig Zag.


Have Tina's eyes always been closed like that and I just never noticed until now?

Wild Card

This is an interesting storyline. This could go so many different ways.

Brian Walmer

Check out my take of what I think will happen: https://youtu.be/-0w643Ctcm8

Zorin the Lynx

She wears shades all the time, even indoors, because her eyes are really sensitive to light.


I just never noticed that her eyes were closed. I'd have to look at past strips to tell if her sunglasses were opaque or translucent before this.


Okay, I took a look at "Homecoming", where we see Tina without her sunglasses, and her eyes look different there. I think it's just Eric's way of drawing the two-toned shading on Tina's glasses that makes it resemble closed eyes with lots of eyelashes.



Dylan Ross Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-20 21:57:32 Could this comic explain hoe Zig and Tina met in more detail?
2024-03-20 20:19:20 Could this comic explain how Zig and Tina met in more detail?

Could this comic explain how Zig and Tina met in more detail?


That kiss caught me off guard, but I think it will work out in the end.