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I have never seen OP. Does she whip out her tremendous dong and paddle her enemies with it?


I forgot to time-lapse this one but I did record 1hr of Real time footage for Jade and Gold Patrons to peep. ill post it at 1000x speed so its 7 minutes lol.  

As always, Thank you for the support!! 




Boa Hancock has the ability to petrify her opponents by shooting rays of hearts at them. With this ability, she can petrify many people all at once. and She can turn non-living objects to stone so she like Madusa in One Piece about her tremendous dong, she is absolutely disgusted by men with the exception for Luffy


Oh, forgot to say HOLY MAMA, bring another masterpiece for us to see


Thank you!! She is probably mad at all men because they wont stop staring at her immense meat stick.


yeah, she once was one of the seven warlords of the grand line