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Hi Babies!

Today I bring you the last update of day 2, I have implemented many very nice dialogues and scenes. I remind you that it is better that you follow the project if you have not done so yet on Subscrib3Star.

What's new in this update?

Well, as I have already anticipated, in this update I have been working on the end of day 2 of Alice's story, *****.


In the last update we left it just when Alice was getting home from basketball practice, now when Alice gets home she will try to avoid her mother who will see her arrive and talk to her about how her day went, realizing that Alice had an accident.

Her mother will accompany her to Alice's room where she will *****, after that they will go down to dinner but Alice will not want to have dinner because there are vegetables. Mom will force him not to get up until he eats the vegetables and Alice *****.

Her mom will comfort her but she won't ***** because she doesn't want to waste a new one. After this Alice will go to sleep and later her mother will go to her room where she will ***** her with an audio and make her *****.


And with this ends "Chapter 2" or day 2. Soon I will put up a post with a vote to see what you want me to continue developing now. There will be quite a few options.

Kisses for all! Have a nice day! <3



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