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Good morning my babies!

New update! Today I bring you what will finally be the beginning of the end of the second chapter, does it mean that there are already 1 or 2 versions left? No, there are still about 5 or 7 left, but finally we have a little more progress in the story! I can't wait to start working on the next version, because we will have new maps ^-^.

What's new in this version?

The most important thing is that we continue with the story, I have implemented many dialogues and you will have a couple of missions to do.

I have been working on some tilesets and many animations that you will see in this update.

In the next version we will leave this map (the nursery floor) that we have seen so many times.

I don't want to make you more spoilers, I hope you like this version and tell me as always what you think!

See you in the next post my babies! I hope you have a super great weekend! Little kisses~




So i failed the first time after you wake up in the crib and the event with "Mabel" doesn't trigger after the first game over screen so you can run around and nothing happens until you run out then she catches you :/


Thanks for reporting the error, I just uploaded a new version fixing it, make sure that version 1.14.1 is seen at the bottom right when you go to play ^-^ (Sorry about the error, I have tried this version many times and I think the error was in a variable that I touched just after the update finished)


^^ It's just a little bug but definitly annoying if you have to replay the whole chapter ^^ But really nice you already fixed it, i can't wait to see more of the game


I am stuck trying to find Sonia during the Hide and Seek Quest any suggestions.


The Hide and Seek Event may be broken because after I find two of the girls and go to find Sonia the game will cause me to replay the event where I have to give the bottle of milk to the girl.


Yeah, I experienced something similar, but it seemed to be triggered by getting caught with a dirty diaper. Sonia is def good at hiding...