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Good morning my babies!

Today I bring you a slightly out of date version (You know I usually post on Fridays) but I didn't want to leave you without an update for another week and I've been working non-stop all weekend to be able to finish the update. ^-^

What's new in this update?

Compared to the previous version, I've put a marker on the baby bottle quest so you don't get lost doing it, there was also a small bug with the quest to bring a book to Eliza, which caused the markers to stay on the map after complete the mission.

With this version we continue to add a bit more story to the game. I can give you a little spoiler about the future of the game if you want, the next update will be a minigame and then the night will come when you have to escape from the nursery. So we're close to getting out of this phase (or maybe not, maybe we're stuck in daycare).

For this version I have been working on some animations, both for Eliza and Mia. For Eliza I have made a version of the character crawling and for Mia a couple of frames sitting in the baby chair eating.

In corrections and bugs we also have a few fixes.

- Fixed Misha's model only allowing interaction from the front (now you can talk to her from the sides as well)

- The visual maturity counter now goes along with the maturity level (This is something I forgot to change when I changed the maturity levels)

- Corrections of poorly written or meaningless texts.

Many thanks as always to @Colonel_Gerdauf for sharing all the bugs he finds on Discord! Thank you, seriously. ^-^

And this is all, see you in the next update! I hope you are having a great weekend~




i tried starting from chapter 2, i get through a few cutscenes but then i get a failed to load img/characters/CH2%20ChicaPa%C3%B1ala.png what can i do?


I had already been told that error and I thought I had solved it in this version... Can you tell me what version you are playing and at what exact moment this error occurs? (Thanks for reporting the error) ^-^


i just downloaded 1.12 it happens after the prison cell scene. if i have to guess i think its trying to reference CH2 ChicaPa、ala.png


i got it to work. i didn't have Spanish on my computer so it messed up the file when i downloaded it. i installed the language and redownloaded it and it works now


During the first dream sequence in chapter 1, I get the following error "audio/se/3-%20Risa%20ni%C3%B1os.ogg". Tried redownloading but the same repeats.


The problem is due to the fact that you do not have the Spanish language installed on your computer. Install the language and download the game again. (I know it's tedious, I'll try to fix it so that in the next version it doesn't happen anymore)


Sorry to clarify but which Countries Spanish? Windows has a lot of options.


Any Spanish language should work, the problem is that there are files that have the letter ñ, with any Spanish language version it should work. Even so, in the case of not working, use the Spanish of Spain.