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Have you created a Knave 2e character sheet? I'm on the lookout for cool looking sheets to use in the final version of Knave 2e (I would pay you, of course). Leave a comment on this post linking to your sheet, or sheets you've designed for other RPGs. Thanks!



Yes, tinyurl.com/thront


Not me, but I can't get enough of James V west's character sheets.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXHnhH4ayzbTOiSJxN_6-eR29r39JEWapVucQT75-Ks/edit?usp=sharing This is the one I made. Its pretty simple and I don't know how useful it is for you but I'm excited to get to share it with you :)


I'd like to throw my hat into the mix! I am a TCG template designer by trade but have made a (albeit copy) of Knave's character sheet. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X2RtfMYB9ZS_6H6GrRGpnMiaWDYCiiU9?usp=sharing


https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nakkuv4wrhxctgv/AAD0NRQOwtxaop4XhnBcM8s8a?dl=0&preview=Character+Sheet+(ENG).pdf this is by far the best Knave 1e Character Sheet I’ve seen. It was done by Vitaliy Shershun (https://www.instagram.com/sam_udoma) and maybe he can update it for v2?


Mine might be a little stylized for some people's tastes, but I'll throw my hat in the ring https://imgur.com/a/p3Q99Qm


My slightly bare-bones one (two per sheet, A4): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YTB32U73ubndmfpSu93aGg4qR61L9GpK/view?usp=sharing


These are not Knave 2e Character sheets but my wife is a professional graphic designer who did all the character sheets for Don't Die. Here are some of the designs that she has done for me: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMabs_rk_yOPrk-ofrEsQ3OUP49s1L3m Let me know if you would like to contact her for more or to have Knave Character sheet made.