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People who play Knave, how do you feel about the system's inclusion of Ability Defense scores?



"Hate It" is a bit harsh, but if that was a less, um, emotional option I would have chosen that. :) They were the first thing I cut from my Knave hack. Though I will say, as a bit of design I think it is very clever. Just never got used at the table.


Yeah, you only really use them if you want the DM to do all the rolling for saving throws...and I don't think most people are a fan of that.


Aren’t you still using them if you use them for monsters / NPCs though? I like that it enables you to make all rolls be player facing if you want, and makes explicit that that is equivalent


I only just realised that I don’t actually use them! Players do their rolls with their bonus and I (as referee) roll for the NPCs using their bonus. I still think it’s a cool mechanic and it does meld nicely with the armour rules, since the Armour Defence is a crucial mechanic.


I don’t “hate” them but I have never used them myself.


I love the use of scores as "defense," but would rather it just be referred to as "score;" selling the concept of it as a defense can get a little hairy.