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If you have a mom anything like Carol, you know.

Still not happy with how long it's taking me to get these pages done... I'm gunna try moving some things around and focusing on the comics more days per week. Cuz the ideal would be at least 4 pages a month. And now I'm stuck at a measly 2...

If you guys have any tips for managing big projects I'm all ears!




Tbh, I wasn’t actually expecting to see Prilly’s mom again, hah! Interested to see where this goes ¦3p


also I’m not really one to talk with how sporadic my writing’s been recently, but in general if there’s something that helps you get in the zone, doing that more is generally a good step. You seemed to enjoy streaming the comic pages before, so maybe figuring out a schedule to do that a bit more often could help. The most important thing is to be mindful of how you’re feeling - if you feel like you’re up against a wall, then it’s important to step away before you feel too worn out. (Speaking personally, I tend to really get energized by talking to folks and bouncing ideas off of them!)


oh crap not good


Wait, did Carol know her daughter was living in a nudist building? If not, she’s in for a culture shock x3