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If you haven't noticed, May was kind of a slow art month around here! Due to family health issues I wasn't able to get much done... So I want to make it up to you guys with a double holographic Tetas sticker ♥
The stickers are being printed right now so I don't have any examples showing the holographic foil yet.... but you can use your imagination to guess where it will be~

Unfortunately, printing prices have jumped quite a bit since the last time I did this... So I won't be able to offer free stickers to as many tiers this time around.
Here's how I'm thinking sticker distribution will work:

ALL +5$ tier supporters who supported during the month of May are eligible for a set of stickers if they fill out the form.
 ~ALL 10$ tier supporter from EITHER May OR June who fill out the form will receive a set of stickers.
 ~ALL 10$ supporters from BOTH May AND June will get a double set.
 ~15$ supporters from EITHER May OR June who fill out the form will receive a double set of stickers.
Lower tiers who support through May AND June will also be eligible for a set; as long as the total support for both months is 4$ or higher and they fill out the form.

That's kind of confusing I know, so please read carefully, and if you have any questions about how you can get a sticker/if you qualify for one please send me a DM and I'll do my best to answer quickly~

Fill out this form to get your Tetas sticker:

~Please note: If you don't qualify you won't receive a sticker
~If you make a mistake or need to change anything on your address form, please just submit a new form with the correct info.
Btw these stickers WILL be on sale again later June! I just have to finish setting up my online sticker shop.



Fen Longpaw

I seem to be chasing the sticker price x3 I'll see if I can line up the funds to cover upping my yearly pledge to the new tier. If I can I'll fill out the form after


AWWW she looks so cute