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Today's patch came with a bug that affects script mods that show menus. Technically, any mod that tries to dynamically create a tuning instance from script will have an issue.

I've made a global hotfix players can install until EA fixes the bug.
This keep's EA's normal behavior without slowing down load times but allows it to function properly for script mods.

Modder's are implementing fixes into their individual mods, but you can use this in junction without issue, in case you're using a mod that hasn't or won't be patched for this.
Note: Better Exceptions also handles this automatically, so this fix is not needed if you're already using BE.

Install instructions

Just open the zip and drag the "Tmex-EAHOTFIX-ScriptMenus.ts4script" to your Mods folder.


Tcee's World

Thank you so much!

Leila Loggins

Hey, I'm new to mods so I'm having some trouble playing I added the folder to my mods folder and I still received an error in regards to my mods. Do you know why that may be and where I may have gone wrong?


Just open the zip and drag the "Tmex-EAHOTFIX-ScriptMenus.ts4script" to your Mods folder.


Is this mod still needed?