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Simply open the pie menu and start typing whatever interaction you want, it will narrow the results for you. When there's only a single interaction found, you can press enter to run the interaction.


  • Searchable Pie Menu: As soon as the pie menu is opened, you can type to filter the interactions. If results are found, the menu will refresh with the filtered results.
  • Press Enter to Select: If your search returns a single result, you can press enter to immediately select that interaction.
  • Time Controls with Menu Open: Hold alt and press `, 0, 1, 2, or 3 to set the respective time.
  • Pan Camera with Menu Open: Press the arrow keys for the respective directions. There is a small delay before moving which is unavoidable due to the core game engine restrictions.

Really happy with how it's turned out. 😊

If you find the mod useful, please consider supporting me by joining me here on Patreon when/if possible. It's always appreciated! 🧡


Install by opening the zip and dragging the "Tmex-SmarterPieMenu.package" to your mods folder. That's it!

Only known conflict at this time is Dark UI


How About a Searchable Pie Menu? | The Sims 4

First public look at Smarter Pie Menu. Grab the early access here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81030137 Will go public on 4/25 on TwistedMexi.com



Hi ! I'm so glad I became a Patreon for this mod which is just SO convenient, even more when you have all packs + many mods that add interactions on Sims and items. Thank you for coming to my stream yesterday ! As I told you, I had an issue with the exit button, but I could see it was solved in the new release, which is great! However, I still noticed a small issue, when hitting escape or any arrow keys while a a pie menu, those keys don't work as expected. No big deal, but just wanted to let you know. Thank you for your hard work!


When I was using RC2 yesterday, I noticed I have to click somewhere else to close the pie menu before using 0-3 to pause or change the speed. Is it possible to make those work without having to close the menu?


Maybe, the problem is a pie menu item might have a number in the name and someone might actually want to search by that.


Hi, love this mod so far but was wondering if there may be a future update with an add-on version that doesn't include the '`' or '1-3' so we can pause and play while still toggling the pie menu.


Hi, I tried getting help in the discord for a while but I’ve had an issue with this mod not searching the pie menu. When the pie menus are up and I try typing, the regular key binds to pause, play, open the inventory etc. are activated.


OH MY GOD. OH my god. OMG OMG. I want to have your sim babies. This...is.. a game changer.

Sheila Lobert

This truly is game changing. I do notice, however, that some foods (such as cake) do not show up when searched.


It's not a recipe search, it's interactions only. Make sack lunch has some foods as interactions, foods in a picker pop up will not show up


Very cool. Avoids a whole lot of searching!


awesome! thanks so much!


aww I love my dark ui TT^TT


This is soo great!

In Simmin' Color

is this outdated with the new patch? no longer working for me


I changed to the chalk dark UI and it still doesn't work noooo ;-; haha