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Hey guys, I've added a mod to early access that allows you to search your save menu by save name or household name!

If you'd like to support me and my work (or contribute to our honeymoon fund - I'm getting married next month!🥳), you can grab it immediately here

Otherwise, as always, you can find it for free on TwistedMexi.com when it officially releases on 4/25.

PS. Thanks to EA Creator Network, another great way you can support what I do at no extra cost is by using code TMEX when purchasing packs. EA will send a small portion of the sale to me instead!

Thanks everyone!





Congratulations on getting married. Wishing you nothing but the best seeing as you have given us nothing but the best mods ever!


Congratulations! Wish you a happy marriage and honeymoon ❤️


Congrats on you marriage ^u^ wishing you the best


do you have a discord where I can send a error I been getting regarding better build and buy version 3.2.6 , the team on MCC command center told me I needed to take it out of my game cause it needed updating due to the recent update.

Nori’s Wrld

Omg i had no idea about the code feature I will def use yours now! Congratulations as well!