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Hello, Hexxet here,

I haven't done this "Blog-thing" for a long time. On the one side it's a bit of work and on the other I also haven't discovered anything new that really threw me off my feet either so this probably won't become a regular thing, but the most recent release of one of my favorite MC games is worth a Hexxet's Corner entry :).

The game I'm talking about is Glassix, developed by Gaweb Studio. It's a Patreon-supported game that's been around for quite some time, but only recently it was finished! Here you can find the author's Pateon Page and support him.

The public version of the game is freely available here. (The finished version 1.0 should go public tomorrow (30.11.2023)). 

Plot: Two years after your father's death, your step mother moves the whole  family to a new town. Your daily life turns upside down when your supposed dead father gives you some strange glasses... that let you see through clothes?! And infiltrate a targets mind increasing their affection and obedience towards you!?

Glassix is a simulation game where you attend regular school life while also using the glasses on tons of girls to get closer to them, simply have sex with them, or turn them into your obedient sleeper doll agents. There are about 39 girls in this game and each and every one of them can be controlled, has various events and a story around them. Content wise this game is massive and it's all mind control focused! If you have problems solving some of the girls there is even a wiki to this game that should help with finding certain events and story progression in case you get stuck: Glassix Wiki.

Gameplay: The Glasses work in a moderate way that let's you influence the girls around you. In a daily routine you can increase the girls affection and obedience towards you by talking/interacting with them until you unlock special sexy events that increase their submissiveness to you. Each girl has 4 Submission levels. Unlocking them all is a lot of grind, but it can be a lot of fun to do so, since you grind by choosing sexy actions with the girls each day :). Anyway, if you are not into grinding there are also cheats in the game that let you skip the grinding and instantly max out a girls stats. Later in the game you can also manage your girls in a way where you can specify which clothes they wear for their daily routines you can upgrade your glasses such that they can induce an instant doll and even a slave mode. Both modes change the reactions of the girls during sexy actions! In addition you will learn utility features that let you teleport through town etc etc.

Content/Fetish: Most content is delivered in a nice way - meaning you and the girl are having fun together (if you are not just using slave/doll mode where it's all about your fun only ^^). While some girls have certain fetishes it usually does not get too extreme in this game, which I really like. There are some embarrassing moments where you can walk in on girls while they pee, and while this is a great opportunity to grind some points (and make them forget you saw), you can avoid most of this content if you want to.

Review: Content wise this game is a 10 out of 10. It's huge! Personally I think it's probably the biggest game in the genre (but I could be wrong). The graphics are not top notch anymore - the game's been around for some time, but I really like their style. I think they give somewhat of an anime feeling while also being realistic. The writing is pretty good with love for the detail. Each girl has her own story with lots of events and on top of that there is a decent main story going on.

So, if you haven't played this game, or if you have but not very recently, the game is now finished and it may be the perfect time for you to enjoy this master piece! :).

Future: Note that Gaweb Studio is currently also working on Glassix 2. It's planned to be a true simulation game, where you can auto generate a whole town and then walk around and control girls. For this purpose it will be in full 3D. Currently there is not much actual game content for Glassix 2 - it's more of a preview of the game engine. But if this comes to fruition one day I have high expectations :).



Ken Dahl

It's big. 6GB+ compressed and I look forward to checking it out.


Have fun playing! :) PS: In case you get stuck with some of the girls there is a wiki to his game: https://glassix.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Female_Characters I've added that link to the post now as well.