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Hello, Hexxet here,

In November we will obviously continue with “The lost Temple”  as always. In Chapter 10 Mika tries to track down Velia’s movement to find out more about the Ether wielders who have attacked his Demon  Patron Kessy. In the meantime, Henry practices his newly learned spells on his girlfriend Kim! This Chapter will Mika get closer to learning new spells and I do plan to have Chapter 11 be a bit time lapsed with Mika training his magic so we can enter Stage two of "The lost Temple" soon :).

Side Story-wise we are back to four 3D-Comics in December, most of them are continuations. The Girlfriend Multiplier 2 lets us witness Nicole in her triple cast role some more before another  wish turns all copies of her into life-like obedient dolls with plastic  skin? Aren’t omnipotent wishes just great?! “Transform or Command 06” will show the outcome in the fratfroom. Which ToC goes through first? Nicole’s or Dylan’s?! And with the ninth chapter of Window Wishing we are entering end-game territory of this series. Not sure if you’ll  think it’s great, but I’m trying to jumble things up one last time as  Victoria finally has her audience with King Erik for the big finale  (which will take us into chapter 10 in January or February to finish).  Finally, it’s December, so Presents!… Eh, I mean Christmas! With “Christmas Gaming” we follow James who finds a game console under the tree that lets him control his family via the avatars in the game!

All of these story are more Magic Control focused. The only transformation will be seen in the Girlfriend Multiplier 2 as the girls turn into dolls.

For PAI Supporters there will be a  200-page long Christmas PAI that will be delivered in four installments –  unlocking more girls and actions for them as we get closer to  Christmas. So, a bit like an Advent calendar 🙂.

Side Stories:

Christmas Gaming: James  and his family is having a Christmas dinner… but they invited his  sister-in-law (Stella), she hates him and tries to make him look bad in  front of his wife Irene and step-daughter Gina… and it’s working! All  three women start to look down on him. What a horrible Christmas! But  what is that? There is a present under the Christmas tree for him… it’s a  game console? When James turns it on it turns out to be a Sims-like  simulation game. But the characters are created after his family? Soon  James finds out that it is much more than a game as actions, duties, and  stat changes to the avatars in the game directly affect the real-world  people!

Transform or Command – Part 6: Nicole and Dylan have a standoff in the frat room. Both have ToCed each  other. Which ToC went through? Nicole’s? Or Dylan’s? What will one or  the other do to the other? Wat are their plans after? Does one of the  character already has an endgame strategy? What kind of cliffhanger is  Hexxet thinking up next? Tune in on the next installment of this series!  😛

Window Wishing 9:  Victoria finally has an Audience with King Erik… She’s actually an  ambassador from America and Their space program has detected a meteor  heading towards Earth and it’s about to annihilate the fairy Kingdom!  Only the Fairy King’s magic might be able to stop it! But… can we really  trust her? Or is she using her magic lying powers?! Welp, what harm is  there to wish away that meteor, whether it exists or not… right?

The Girlfriend Multiplier 2: We  continue right from where we left off. In the bedroom with the now  triplets showing Marco a good time in bed! And the next day, a luscious  breakfast awaits him – his triplets dressed up in aprons and maid  costumes! But when Marco pops questions and feels teased by the girls he  uses another wish to turn them into obedient dolls with plastic skin.  Man, omnipotent wishes make for great genre changes! Watch as Marco  enjoys his dolls and finally finds a way to distinguish them once again!

PAI Content:

Jingle Bells: Jacob is invited to celebrate Christmas with his  girlfriend Beth’s family. As he is on his way over he notices a new  magic shop that has just opened up. Intrigued he enters and ends up  buying a “Flash Tits” bell. “Jingle the bell and a girl hearing the  jingle will flash you her tits” Jacob just bought it for… reasons. Maybe  have a little roleplay fun in the bedroom with Beth… Boy is he in for a  surprise when he realizes the bell really works! Whom will Jacob use  the bell on? His girlfriend? Her lovely mother Monica? Her cute blonde  sister Amalia? Her busty Aunty Beatrix? Or her redhead cousin Jesse?  Also… what other bells lie still dormant in that magic Shop? PS: This story also features a horrible collection of Christmas sweaters and a few Christmas hats!

Release Schedule:

  • 01.12.2023: The Girlfriend Multiplier 2
  • 15.12.2023: Transform or Command 6
  • 22.12.2023: Christmas Gaming
  • 24.12.2023: The complete Christmas PAI “Jingle Bells”
  • 29.12.2023: Window Wishing 9

Side Story Archive Schedule:

  • 01.12.2023:  Window Wishing – Part 8
  • 15.12.2023: – (ToC stays online longer)
  • 17.12.2023: A Devil Unleashed (it will still be available to PAI Supporters)
  • 29.12.2023: – (The Girlfriend Multiplier will stay online until the trilogy finishes)

Detailed Christmas PAI Release Schedule:

  • 06.12.2023: Three girl-actions available (This version will be freely available)
  • 13.12.2023: Eight girl-actions available
  • 20.12.2023: Twelve girl-actions available
  • 24.12.2023: Seventeen girl-actions available (Story complete)



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