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Hello, Hexxet here,

If you are waiting for a continuation of this comic I have a good and a bad news for you. Good news, this Friday we continue with part 5. Bad news, it will keep you up on your toes with another cliffhanger. But at least the scene around Amara and Vadim will conclude... kinda. ^^

It's ~60 pages long plus 9 pinups. I hope you are looking forward to it :). (Though, I already know at least several of you do XD)




I absolutely love this trope, to be honest. Gameified TFs, certainly, but also examining how relationships are strained and changed under the weight of them. There's some of that emerging in this story and the potential for it is fantastic.


Thanks :). I'll try to live up to the expectations Oo. In general I try to focus most of my stories around the characters and their changing personalities/relationships. Cause without hat we could all just watch regular porn imo :).