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Hello, Hexxet here,

It was brought to my attention that I messed up with the ToC Board Numbers in the "Transform or Command" comic part 2 and 3. I probably fucked up with the Anti Karma... or got otherwise confused... Sorry!

Anyway, this has no influence on the story since all number jumbles were due to anti-Karma. therefore all changes were still possible within the amount of remaining Toc points. Our players just have a little bit more left at the end of the chapters (but this has no further influence).

Both Chapters (2 and 3) have been updated on my homepage. You can download the fixed zip or pdf from the respective comic posts or read them online there. (It's really just 2 ToC Board pages changed in eahc part). (Gumroad-Products have been updated as well). Here are the direct links to the homepage-comic-posts:

Sorry for the confusion, and if you spot any such mistakes in my future comics let me know. If it's more than a small typo I will probably care to fix it :)


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