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Hello, Hexxet here,

The recent poll for another PAI Special (meaning: Replace one of the 4 3D-Comics in a month with PAI Content), was 86% in favor of another PAI Special. So, we are doing another PAI special in November. (Sorry to those of you who were against it :C).

But this time you can chose the PAI that will be published as the PAI special from the following three PAIs I have in my Q:

A Devil Unleashed: Amy is an archeologist on an expedition to some ancient and so far undiscovered ruins. The expedition is funded by her ex-boyfriend Jake who's also on the expedition... and he brought his new girlfriend Tiffany along. One thing leads to another and an ancient evil -  a Devil - is unleashed from the ancient ruins. The Devil offers each of these three a pact: Promising unlimited wishes in exchange for their soul once their life goals are fulfilled. Who will take the deal? And what will they wish for? Who will be laughing in the end? (Spoiler now: This comic focuses on Bimbo Transformations ending up with two blonde busty bimbo girls who look like twins! But there is also Mind Control involved.) [This PAi will be 75 Pages long]

Buttons 1-2-3: These are three short PAIs about a guy who can see buttons appearing on women's bodies. Press a button and enjoy that woman's reaction to it :). The first one is about a woman by a pool, the second about an athletic girl at the gym, and the third one I still need to think of and write :) [These are three PAIs, with a size of 7, 18, and ~30 pages] [There are no physical transformations in the first two PAIs. The buttons just control the woman's action --> So this is basically MC --> Press a button and the woman does certain things]

The Itty Bitty Titty Committee: No Cover for this one, since I have not created it yet. But I have it all planned out in my crazy lewd brain: We join a group of girls at a school (Obviously everyone at this school is 18+). They are being bullied for being flat by their larger chested classmates and one day decide to form the Itty Bitty Titty Committee to take revenge on everybody with their newly developed Boob Shrinking Ray. Follow the Itty Bitty Titty Committee around school as they shrink busty girls into A Cups! But Wait for it!, cause that's only the first chapter. When the nerd club takes notice of the drastic disappearance of Boob mass around school the try to reason with the Itty Bitty Titty Committee (yes I love writing this out!) to ensure Boob Equilibrium. But the Committee does not listen and the nerds will declare war on the committee! With their own developed super-size-ray they enlarge some girls tits to gigantic knockers and save the Boob Equilibrium around school... But will the Itty Bitty Titty Committee just let the nerds interfere? Of course not! And soon the technology of the committee will clash with the nerd-club's own forcing our nerds to make a decision that's about to shake the Boob Equilibrium to it's core! [Yes, this story sounds stupid. But it's about Boobies and transforming them, also it will be funny! Also... this will probably be too long to release in one PAI Special. If you choose this one we will probably have two PAI specials for all three to four chapters of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee :)]


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