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Hello, Hexxet here,

Welcome in August. Thank you for your continued support and interest in my stories. Also a hearty welcome to all newcomers! :)

Last month we had a huge amount of Transformations thanks to the Dictaphone at School, Window Wishing 6 and Transform or Command 1. But I hope you also liked the beginning of Castle Cumalot -  a story I really liked creating :).

Side story-wise this month we will finish Castle Cumalot with it's second part, continue the transformative fun of ToC and we will have some more detailed focus on plain old direct Mind Control with MC Pickup Lines :). Also, Sailor Sayo will start with Part A (of A-B). No one really wished for me to continue Sailor Sayo I guess, but I really like the setting and the story is in the back of my head for a while now. There will be some nice mannequin action over the two parts of this comics. So, if you are into mannequin transformations this might be something to look forward to :).

The lost Temple is lacking sexy pages in chapter 06 but I hope to make up for it with a cool action Scene and some romancing. Also, chapter 07 will start mid August and there I will implement the results of a recent poll. (Namely whether Mikael should accept Barbara as a thrall for the night form Kessy. Please note that wile the evil option has won by a small margin (basically 2%), there were more votes than expected for the more moderate version I will take those into account --> implementing a mid-evil version where Mika will take a little advantage of Barbara but not go all out.)

In August I'm releasing my second PAI Book. Like OF:BF it will be interactive and quite long (with ~330 pages in total). From the look and feel it turned out a lot different from OF:BF which had more in depth paths while the new one has more paths/Endings but all of them are more shallow. Also the story evolves around the Master Control Program and I tried to bring the ambient of a MCP tail to life. I hope I managed to do that :). In case you like this setting / the story I can continue one of the paths with a linear PAI or I can create another Interactive one. There will be a poll about that once "The Master Control program at the Office" comes out on 09.08.2023. Please note that a PAI Book of this size is quite some work and I consider it the content of August. But, I also had a side project of rebooting my first three "lost" PAIs. So these short reboot PAIs will also release in August - but they will all be free PAIs (so available to everybody).

Story Release Schedule:

  • 4.08.2023: Castle Cumalot - Part 2 - A Pervert's honor
  • 11.08.2023: MC Pickup Lines
  • 18.08.2023: Transform or Command - Part 2
  • 25.08.2023: Sailor Sayo 2 - Office Lies - Part A (of 2)

PAI Release Schedule:

  • 02.08.2023: Kim and the Remote V 2.0
  • 09.08.2023: MCP at the Office - An Interactive PAI Book
  • 16.08.2023: Jenny at the Party V 2.0 (+ voice over video)
  • 23.08.2023: Divine Encounter V 2.0

For more detail on the stories/PAIs please have a look at the Outlook August post.


My Reddit Account got reported for posting my PAIs. No idea why, but I guess some genius thought those were pix of real women or something like that even though "AI-Generated" was even in the title. Anyway my Reddit Account is now suspended permanently and the lazy guys from Reddit support don't even take the time to answer. Sucks! :(

I'm trying to change the style of my comics to make them a bit more comic like. So far we had the full screen pages and the two half screen panel pages. They will persist, but I plan on adding pages with more panels in the future. The first comics using this new style will be The lost Temple Chapter 06 and ToC 2. We will see where this leads, but I think the results are cooler than the style so far. (For example, the upcoming battle scene of TlT really turned out well using this new style, I think :)). I will also try to apply this new style to my PAIs, but I have already several PAIs prepared so it will take longer until you see the first adapted PAI. (Note that for PAIs I most likely will only change "story pages" as we want full screen for the sexy pix anyway :)).

The Script for Window Wishing 7 has been created and sent to 3-DSwede. It turned out much longer than previous scripts and I will most likely split the originally planned content for Chapter 7 into two parts turning it into a two chapter Arc called "The Fairy Kingdom". If everything goes as planned we will have the first Part of "The Fairy Kingdom" in September and I would like to get the second part out by October, but we have to see about that when the time comes. This chapter is also a lot more work for 3D-Swede as several new side characters need to be created while King Erik inspects his Kingdom :).

The poll about Harry Beldin getting some powers in TlT resulted in a clear win. I really think it will add to the story and I'm happy you think so to. So, starting with TlT Chapter 08 I will add story fragments that will show Harry's tale as he becomes Kessy's apprentice. Harry will show talent with transformation magic but he will probably also learn a weaker form of Kessy's Ocavum spell. The Transformation Magic Idea came from "unimportant" and I think it's a good opportunity to add some TF Magic into the story :). (But don't worry MC fans, it will not turn into a TF story. As Body Transformations without controlling minds lead to quite the commotion! ^^)

Works on ToC 2 are coming along fine. If you did not notice the girl from above, that's Nicole from ToC after an upcoming change in part 2 :).


If you are interested in commissioning a comic from me, I am open for commissions. You can find my prices and terms here. Should you be interested in commissioning a PAI I'd be willing to try that as well, but please note that PAIs have much more technical restrictions on the images I can create as I'm bound by what PornPen can create efficiently. 

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics. Have fun! :)



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