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Hello, Hexxet here,

With the fifth chapter of TlT completed I'd like to know if you'd like to see more of Harry - the guy from the virgin couple Kessy used to have fun with in this chapter.

Now, the question of whether you want to see more of a man seems kinda off, so let me tell you what it will entail if you say yes ^^:

  • Harry will become one of Kessy's Minions/Apprentices (just like Mikael)
  • But his temper and nature make him more powerful with direct spells, which will lead to him learning an MC spell sooner than Mika. Maybe the Ocavum spell. So instead of using Kessy to sex up the story as we go, I could use him instead. 
  • But as he lacks restraint, he will cause some trouble at some point and Mika might have to fix it :). Later on there could be a rivalry between the two guys that will probably end with Mika having to take him down. (Where taking him down means sealing his magic and deleting his memories). Mika will still stay the main protagonist of this story.
  • Also, including Harry will probably lead to more Kim action :P.

So, short in all, more sexy MC stuff in the short run at the cost of some pages.

Do you want so see more of Haary in TlT?



Maybe Harry loves some Breast Expansion spells? I´d love to see some BE action 😁


Transformation spells. Yes, he could be a very good source for those! Good thinking! And leaving some girls with super sized knockers definitely might lead to a commotion :).


Maybe super sized iss too high power... but big knockers would be his level until he gets mor powerfull?


Yeah, we need to keep the balance. So I guess I'll have him experiment on himself (not with boobs ^^), and his girlfriend Kim (yes, with boobs ^^) at first. Slowly increasing Kims breasts by some cup sizes until he learns some MC and can broaden his spectrum of prey :)