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Hello, Hexxet here,

Three chapters of the last Boob Bender are out already and there will be a fourth coming in July (as I've already finished writing it), but I wanted to ask whether you like the story so far and if I should continue it or if you rather see it cancelled and see me do something else.

In case you like it we have to options to continue:

1.) Continue as is: Fun story with our protagonist stumbling from one strange boob situation to another.

2.) Implement Main Story Plot: Now for The last Boob Bender I had a Battle Royal kinda story in mind. I don't know yet how well I can implement that with the AI tools at hand but the general outlook of the story would be as follows: The Boob Bender powers are just one of many. In Ancient times a godlike being split its powers and divided them among humanity as no single being should have that much power. But  over time a prophecy made its rounds. If a wielder of such a power defeats another one in combat he or she steals the powers of the other. Power users all over the globe strife to unite all different powers within themselves and become the next god among humanity... How will our Boob Bender fair in such an existential battle? (Now, I hope you know me --> There won't be any deaths on screen with those battles. People will be allowed to give up leading to them to have lost the battle and losing their powers to the victor. Also, the Boob Bender started as a fun story and I will keep it light and funny (I think ^^), though the protagonist might man up after some battles and gaining some more powers (cause currently he's quite the wuss) ^^)

In case you do not want me to continue, I do not have anything particular in mind yet, but it will be another PAI themed the way all my PAIs are :).


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