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Hello, Hexxet here,

"A Game of Change" has won the poll for which older comic should be re-featured, and in case of GoC I promised to come up with several scenarios for you to choose from. Please read the Scenarios below before you vote so you have a grasp on the different settings. (Some of them are quite different from one another some of them are also introducing new types of games).

Scenario Descriptions:

1.) Some students play the original board game on university campus in one of the classrooms. 4-5 students from the "The lost Temple"

2.) Some students play "Transform or Control" on Campus. Either over the course of one night in one room or over the course of several days all over campus. Like Truth or dare players can make other palyers choose between a Transformation or Control. In case the target chooses Transform he/she will transform according to what the first player says. If he/she chooses Control she/he has to do whatever the first player tells her/him.

3.) Some of the Office Workers are having a game night in the Office meeting room playing the original board game. 4-5 people from the people working at the Office in Office party.

4.) The Office is tasked with patenting a new game. For that purpose they are test-playing it. It's a computer supervised Role Playing Game. You first create your character like in D&D and then role-play through a campaign. Of course our player transform according to their character and any magic applied to their characters!

5.) There is a shady place in town. A Casino like thing... The rich bet their money to win various things there. The poor on the other side... they bet their bodies! You can play to win money, or you can play to win attribute enhancements. From Bigger breasts, to a younger age, anything is possible... but always beware when entering a casino... cause in the end... the bank always wins. [This is not necessary about a group of people playing the same game, but could be different scenarios of different people playing their respective games]

6.) A new Trading Card Game is breaking all records. Its lewd cards have drawn people's attention! But behind the public competitions and the publicity the game gets, a secret war is fought in the streets as behind the game there looms real magic! And when played with the right equipment these cards come to life and fight for real. But beware! If you play that way you are not only fighting for winning or losing...  you put your own body and mind no the line! PS: I've been really into Yu-Gi-OH the trading card game and that's basically where this idea comes from. So, for this option I'd try bring something like that to life, but of course with lewd MC and TF cards. Note that this would deviate a lot from the original GoC as this would not be a game played by a group of people but a series of duels. Also, implementing such a story-line/game thingy is something new for me, so no guarantee I can fulfill your expectation - but it does sound fun :).

Please note that after one Scenario has been selected by this poll, more polls might follow to decide the actual cast of character and maybe some other stuff.

You can vote for multiple options if you like them. In case of a very close outcome there might be a runoff poll follow up between those "winners".



Oh, my. I did not expect such a clear lead to show over night XD. Interesting!


Yeah, but I'd still like to see the TCG scenario if you feel like doing a short after the fact; maybe one of those rare 4-way duels.


I will certainly not start with a 4-way duel if I ever start implementing the TCG scenario ^^. However the TCG idea has quite an allure for me :). But, the winner of this poll will most likely not become a single comic but a comic series (like A Game of change). So, what comes after is quite far in the future Oo ;)

Jakken Haggar (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 00:15:50 Oh my… all of them sound awesome and on a contain elements I’d like to see somehow! The board game setting with its random events and the group of players obliged to dive in some rounds and them reacting to their transformations is already fun. But if there are some forced tricky choices involved it sounds like even more fun, so no wonder about the leading option there :) Nevertheless, The D&D/RPG setting with transformations according to the character sound superb and I’d really loved to see that one day. It is one thing to play a character or use magic/drink a potion with him to achieve some task in the game or see him getting transformed by a spell, but if it also happens to yourself, that’s… unexpected fun and something different. The casino idea rocks, too (but this could better shine as several short sequences and could be hard for a multichapter story with recurring interesting characters?). The card game sounds awesome too, but might be complex to pull off in a quick time?
2023-05-27 13:17:48 Oh my… all of them sound awesome and on a contain elements I’d like to see somehow! The board game setting with its random events and the group of players obliged to dive in some rounds and them reacting to their transformations is already fun. But if there are some forced tricky choices involved it sounds like even more fun, so no wonder about the leading option there :) Nevertheless, The D&D/RPG setting with transformations according to the character sound superb and I’d really loved to see that one day. It is one thing to play a character or use magic/drink a potion with him to achieve some task in the game or see him getting transformed by a spell, but if it also happens to yourself, that’s… unexpected fun and something different. The casino idea rocks, too (but this could better shine as several short sequences and could be hard for a multichapter story with recurring interesting characters?). The card game sounds awesome too, but might be complex to pull off in a quick time?

Oh my… all of them sound awesome and on a contain elements I’d like to see somehow! The board game setting with its random events and the group of players obliged to dive in some rounds and them reacting to their transformations is already fun. But if there are some forced tricky choices involved it sounds like even more fun, so no wonder about the leading option there :) Nevertheless, The D&D/RPG setting with transformations according to the character sound superb and I’d really loved to see that one day. It is one thing to play a character or use magic/drink a potion with him to achieve some task in the game or see him getting transformed by a spell, but if it also happens to yourself, that’s… unexpected fun and something different. The casino idea rocks, too (but this could better shine as several short sequences and could be hard for a multichapter story with recurring interesting characters?). The card game sounds awesome too, but might be complex to pull off in a quick time?


Just to make sure: Scenario 2 does not include a board game. The Students are playing a truth or dare - like game (Transform or Control). The card game is surely the most ambitious of all the Scenarios. But in general, all Scenarios will lead to a comic series and not a single installment ;)

Jakken Haggar

Yeah, I got that – Needs not to be a board game in my opinion, that's just one option. Truth be told, the variation of the real truth or dare makes it even more “realistic" cause probably everybody has already played truth or dare at any point in life, but I don’t know many who played jumanjy :P So sound to me like some awesome transformations and kinky “dares” with fun reactions from all participants and bystanders alike will come of this story.