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Hello, Hexxet here,

Welcome in April. Glad you are still here, and a hearty welcome to all newcomers! :)

In April we saw the conclusion to two stories: "New World Order" and "Love Bug Bite 2", we had a brand new commissioned collaboration with RollB on Birthday Gift and we saw the how the Armies of the Gift clashed in a fierce bitch fight :). I've already prepared the Endgame Chapters of the Gift and I have to say I feel relieved to finally bring these long run stories to an end because on the one hand it is quite taxing to live up to the expectation of a great Endgame and on the other side new Patrons are disappointed that they can't read up on the whole story by simply joining the Connoisseur Tier. (Also, with over 100 pages each the Gift Chapter's kinda ran out of hand concerning my workload. Not really complaining about it, but it took it's toll keeping up the rest of the stories with these extra long chapters).

In May we will finally see the first Endgame of "The Gift". (The second Endgame will air in June). But in May another series with quite a few parts comes to an end! Dylan and the Irresistible Potent Penis Potion finally comes to an end with its eighth installment. I'm very glad about this, as this has been my first side Story I've ever created and I kinda had this Endgame in mind since the start... but I digressed and added some sexy/fun chapters in between ;). We will also see the continuation of "Window Wishing"! The renders from 3D-Swede turned out great again, with lots of sexy costumes and expressions from the girls as they enjoy a costume party at Erik's house :). And last, but definitely not least, we finally find ourselves back in the magical world of Mundo Magico. This is a commission I've created for Namot quite some time ago, but due to my long run series I've postponed its released for some month now. 

With this I'm slowly catching up with my release schedule which has been a bit of a mess recently and I'm happy to report that I have release slots free for July if you are interested in ordering a commissioned comic. (I can already start creating the commission in June.)

Comics of May:

  • 05.05.2023: The Gift - Part 17
  • 12.05.2023: Window Wishing - Part 5
  • 19.05.2023: Dylan and the IP³ - Part 8
  • 26.05.2023: Mundo Magico - MC Supervision seminar Part 1

PAIs of May:

  • Already out!: Boob Runner
  • 03.05.2023: Magic: The Tempering
  • 10.05.2023: Welcome to Evolvum
  • 17.05.2023: The last Boob Bender - CH 02

For a more detailed descriptions of the comics and PAIs of May please have a look at the Outlook May 2023 Post.

Poll Results:

I have had you participate in several polls over the course of the last month and I have not given you any feedback on the results yet. This I want to amend now :)

Officeparty Endgame 03:

With this poll I've asked you what you think of the third Endgame to Officeparty. And with 18% voting for "awesome" and 40% voting for "Very good" I'm happy that almost 60% of you enjoyed the third and final Endgame of Office Party despite it being a female dominant Endgame :). Now don't you worry, I'm not taking this as an encouragement to do more FD stuff. It's not something I really want to do, but sometimes it just fits the story. So, I'm glad that a lot of you enjoyed this different sort of Endgame (also in terms of writing style :)).

Officeparty Endgames:

With this poll I asked you which of the Endgames you liked most. I have to admit, it does not come as a surprise that with 56% of the voters the first Endgame "Evil Dylan" takes the prize. It's the male dominant Ending and therefore aligns with most of what my readers wants to see :). But I'm very happy that each of the other Endgames, "Dominant Lovers" (20%) and "Evil Lucine" (16%) have their own fan-base. All Endgames are very different from each other in content but also in the way of writing, and I'm glad each was enjoyed by some :).

Continuation of "Not just a Winery"-PAI:

Here I wanted to know what elements you'd like to see in a continuation of the Winery PAI. And I will take these results into account when creating this PAI for June. Which means there defintly will be potions that make the consumer horny (probably ending with an orgasm). There will be bimbo & slut-ification and of course Breast Expansion. And, I'm very glad that you guys seem to have enjoyed my suggestibility potions of the first part. So, those, and the implanted desire to be owned, will again be a big theme as well :).

I'm a bit alarmed by the little votes "muscle gain" and "muscle loss" got, as I'm having a cool idea for a PAI in my mind with exactly this topic. I just hope that you will enjoy it and just thought it would not be a good topic for the Winery :).

Graphics of "Birthday Gift":

After the release of "Birthday Gift" I've asked you whether you liked the graphics of this commissioned collaboration. 65%, so almost two thirds, of you liked this anime style at least for a change. Now of course this also means that a third of you disliked the graphics. So, this will not be something we will see frequently but I liked the collaboration with RollB, and I would not object to one more such commissioned collab in 2023.

Idea Gathering:

Now this was not a poll yet, but a post to gather ideas for a continuation of an old series or a relaunch. You can find the Idea Gathering post here: Story Poll Input Gathering

The comics that have been mentioned (and accepted) so far are the following:

  • A Game of Change (Reboot in a new setting)
  • The original Dictaphone series (Continuing & finishing the series)
  • The Dictaphone at school series (Continuation)
  • The Reality Pen (A new story with the Pen that alters Reality)
  • Marco and the Remote Control (Continuation)

Please note:

  • You can still add input to this Idea Gathering if you want to.
  • I will take these ideas/comics and put up them up to vote in June, as July will be the first month I have a a slot free to start with this. The winning comic/idea will then be continued/relaunched.

Thank you four your support and reading. I hope I can keep you entertained with my stories :)


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