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Hello, Hexxet here,

As you might have picked up, The lost Temple was originally an idea for a game and I actually did quite a bit of world building for it back in the days. So... I came up with the idea of doing a spell book for The lost Temple.

There is no actual need for you to read it. Everything will be understandable from the comic (I hope ^^). But I think it's nice to have a compendium of all the spells as the story progresses. So, if you are interested in what kind of explanation for magic I came up with, feel free to dig into this spell book. It currently only contains one spell and basic info on spell-casting. But as Mika learns new spells I do intend to expand it :).

PS: This Spell Book replaces the daily post of today. Chapter 03 of TlT starts tomorrow on 01.05.2023.



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